Monday, June 13, 2011

RVer seeks advice about buying portable generator

Here is a question we receive periodically at Can you help? If so, please leave a comment. The question: "I'm interested in a portable generator for my 5th wheel, something I can haul in the pickup bed, use at home or on the road. I'm thinking of something very quiet for the campsite. Can someone provide me with some guidance?


At June 15, 2011 at 3:49 PM , Anonymous Tim Witting said...

Before you can decide on a generator you need to make a list of what you will be powering with it. How many watts and amps will you need?

Create a scenario of what might be used at the same time.

I'm full time in a camper van and pulling a trailer with my motorcycle. My 2,000 watt Yamaha generator/invertor rides in the trailer and is securly chained down. BUT.....I'm looking at another brand, Powerhouse, that is 2,700 watts with remote control starting capabilities so on those cold mornings I can start it without getting fully dressed....the Big Dumb Dog won't get out from under the covers till it's warm anyway.
Knowing your need, in detail, will tell you what to look for.
By the way, I put a home AC unit in the back window of my Van, have a TV and digital converter, a small 1500 watt space heater, laptop, and a small elctric grill to augment the 2 burner propane cook stove. They can't all run together but I know which ones to use and not to use.

At June 15, 2011 at 6:14 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

PLEASE get a Honda brand. They are quiet and your camping neighbors will appreciate you for it.


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