Friday, April 29, 2011

Horror in the South

In the April 30, 2011 issue of the newsletter, editor Chuck Woodbury writes of his sadness over the terrible devastation and loss of life caused days earlier in the South by tornadoes. If you wish to leave a comment on what he wrote, you may do so here.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Fuel prices: Up, up, and away!

Gas prices are going up and don't appear to be coming down anytime soon. When it reaches a certain price, will you start to take measures to reduce your monthly fuel costs?

At what price do you start cutting something? Or are the rising costs of fuel just the price of RVing. Grin and bear it.

What, if any, adjustments will fuel costs make to your RV lifestyle? Will you try to keep your fuel costs down or cut somewhere else? Will you try to reduce your monthly fuel costs by:

  • Reducing speed
  • Staying longer at campgrounds
  • Taking shorter trips
  • Camping closer to home
  • Boondocking more to save campground fees to put toward gas
  • Parking your rig until it all blows over
  • Converting to CNG (natural gas)
What is your plan?


Saturday, April 9, 2011

Campground or electric charging station?

From editor Chuck Woodbury
In the April 11, 2011 issue of the newsletter, I wrote about how some RV parks are considering providing a charging service to motorists with electric cars. The idea is that the parks already have the power pedestals, and so why not charge motorists. . . say $10 to charge their vehicles. The motorists, the idea goes, could spend the four hours it would take to charge their vehicles using the park's WiFi, among other things.

I wrote that I do not think this is a good idea -- that campgrounds should be campgrounds, not electric car charging stations. What do you think? Please leave a comment.