Friday, December 9, 2011

Thoughts about buying Chinese made products

By Chuck Woodbury

In issue 511 of the newsletter, posted Dec. 10, 2011, I outlined my thoughts about buying goods from China and how buying them is destructive to America because they are robbing us of manufacturing jobs. I suggested that Americans should try to buy "American" whenever possible.

We have much more freedom in the gifts we buy for the holidays than when buying for ourselves. For example, when we buy for ourselves we might need a new toaster to replace one that died. In that case, good luck finding one made in America. But when buying a gift, it's pretty easy to find something made in America when the choice of a gift is not based on a specific product need.

So what are you thoughts after reading my essay? Remember, the comments are moderated, so they may not appear immediately after you post.


At December 10, 2011 at 3:10 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good article. This is one of the ways we can take back America.

At December 10, 2011 at 3:12 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The high paying union jobs and high amount of government regulation causes companies to go abroad. Ever try to run a business in the US?

At December 10, 2011 at 3:54 AM , Blogger Dr4Film said...

Right on, Chuck. I have been saying the same for years ever since when it originally started with products coming from Taiwan & Japan. Now more than ever, everything I pick up in a store to see where it was made, it states China. Unless I gotta have it, I won't buy it. Now I am having problems with replacement parts for my car coming from China and I'm not the one putting them in, the service station is. So when I have work done on my car, I ALWAYS ask for American made parts.

At December 10, 2011 at 4:03 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is a website that shows which companies still make their goods in the U.S. It is I use this website to buy as much stuff that I can that is made in the U.S.

One such company is Texas Jeans at who make excellent jeans available for order on their website. Although called Texas Jeans, they are made in North Carolina, but that is still in the U.S.

At December 10, 2011 at 4:21 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The reason so much is made in China is our Govt has made it unprofitable to manufacture here in America by over regulating everything from toothpaste to jet planes. Sure the small Mom & Pop businesses can still eak out a living, but most don't actually produce anything. Get the Govt out of the way and businesses will take off.

At December 10, 2011 at 4:23 AM , Anonymous Doug Hinman said...

I totally agree with buying American Chuck, a few weeks ago we bought a new 5th wheel and I asked for American made tires instead of Chinese made tires. The dealer tried to find American Brand tires and could not find any. But if we keep asking these companies for American products some of them will listen and bring back the jobs to the USA!!

At December 10, 2011 at 4:53 AM , Anonymous Roberrt Russell said...

I totally agree. Our manufacturers and "congress critters" need to get this "message". Its time to put and end to these imports that are having such a negative effect on America and its people.

At December 10, 2011 at 4:57 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'ts going to be tough love. I'm north American, Canadian to be precise. You seem to beleive that the U.S.A. is an Island, Buy American ... fine but why don't you speak of selling American... I'ts not so much that the Chinese buy Cninese that makes them rich, It's that they sell. Canadians fare pretty well these days, Sure, we sell tar sand oil .. you buy nearly half your oil from Canada... , The Chinese buy more than half our iron ore. The U.S.A has Apple and Microsoft and Boeing and... The Chiniese don't, all they can do is cheap copies The employes at Apple and Microsoft make very good wages, the Chinese workers who now assemble Barie dolls make 50 cents an hour... if they are lucky. The solution for every country is not isolation, it is inagination, it is making and offering something your'e good at and that the world wants or American workers can start working also for 50 cents an hour making Barbie dols..But I don't think the Chinese will want to buy them

At December 10, 2011 at 4:57 AM , Blogger CraigC said...

Hear Hear !!! We agree,thanks for mentioning Canada it would also be good to include Mexico and have a buy only "North American" mind set - it would restore jobs and make us world leaders again. Lets do it !!!!


At December 10, 2011 at 5:30 AM , Blogger rrutel said...

I could not agree more. If all of our manufacturing jobs are in China, how do we employ Americans? I'm glad to see you wrote this article. Thanks.

At December 10, 2011 at 5:30 AM , Anonymous Mark Polk of RV Education 101 said...

Chuck's editorial hit a nerve! A big nerve, I refer to as my Chinese nerve. When I hear or read about this topic my blood pressure goes up and things only get worse from there. Chuck is absolutely right. I don't like to get on my soapbox, but will for just a minute.

For starters I spent a large chunk of my adult life serving in the military. We worked tirelessly promoting democracy and defending against communism. To retire and see our great country sell out to the communist Chinese makes me sick every time I think about it. When I was preparing to go to the Louisville RV Show I went shopping for a comfortable pair of shoes that I could spend a great deal of time walking in. I found a nice pair of Clarks, and when I was checking to make sure both shoes were the same size I saw the "Made in China" label. I decided to stick with an old pair of walking sneakers I had instead.

At the show I was astounded by the number of vendor booths I saw with Chinese products. Basically knock-offs of American made products like roof mounted air conditioners, converters, and other electronics. All I can say is when I start seeing more components in RVs saying made in China, and/or when I see the first Chinese made RV imported to America, I might re-access the industry I work in. RVs are American made and represent American freedom, the Chinese need to stay the H%@!! out of it. Just my two cents worth on the topic, and like Chuck said try to buy American or from our friend to the North.
~Mark Polk

At December 10, 2011 at 5:42 AM , Anonymous Richard said...

Duluth Trading has jeans for sale. The imported ones sell for $54.50 and the ones made in the USA sell for $79.50. I don't have any figures on how many of the USA-made jeans they sell but I would guess not very many.
How many of us would pay $25 MORE for a pair of jeans?
Walmart sells imported stuff because that's the price level that many consumers want to pay.

At December 10, 2011 at 5:43 AM , Blogger Bill and Loretta said...

A list of products made in America. You can also find others if you 'google' products made in America. Not only Walmart and Toy R Us, but look at some of the products you find in the grocery store. We need to keep our money here and our own people employed.

At December 10, 2011 at 5:44 AM , Anonymous Merl Bell said...

Right on, Chuck! When people start complaining about the economy to me, I always ask them what brand of car they are driving. You know, 9 time out of 10 they will name a foreign produced car. I just tell them they are part of the problem. Keep up the good work, Chuck and thanks for a great Newsletter.

Merl Bell
Bedford, VA

At December 10, 2011 at 5:52 AM , Blogger William said...

I hate buying crap from China but sometimes there's no option. Try buying anything electronic.
We really need to boycott China!!!!

At December 10, 2011 at 5:56 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...


At December 10, 2011 at 5:59 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great articile, if it gets one more person thinking about this, it was a success. Thank You

At December 10, 2011 at 6:15 AM , Anonymous Malcolm said...

I am a Canadian with a small fixed income, I have to buy the cheaper items, last summer I bought a torque wrench in Michigan, for $30, in Canada it was $58, when I got home and looked at the wrench I saw, to my amazement, that it was made in CANADA.
I believe that the politicians and unions are totally responsible for this problem.

At December 10, 2011 at 6:16 AM , Blogger Bob in Idaho said...

I strongly agree!

But if we stop buying from China, where will they get the money to lend to the US so we can keep on increasing our $15 trillion debt?

At December 10, 2011 at 6:17 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

You have a lot of good points. As I was reading them I couldn't help thinking that the money we might spend on USA goods go to workers who will probably turn around and buy china goods. We are in a deep hole and only getting our companies out of china will turn it around.

At December 10, 2011 at 6:19 AM , Blogger Shay said...

I understand your sentiment and I too try to buy items (especially food) not made in China. But at one point you stated we were being duped by the Chinese and I fear that statements like these can cause hatred toward the Chinese people. I have been to China and the people there were warm and welcoming (sometime I can't say about everywhere I've been here in the States). We're being duped by US Corporations, who close their manufacturing here and open in China and other countries to make yet a larger profit. These Corporate heads are duping both the American and the Chinese people, Americans lose their jobs, Chinese work for mere pennies. But we all play a part in this by wanting the cheapest products we can find. So if you want to buy American plan on spending more money and do so happily.

At December 10, 2011 at 6:24 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Excellent! Thanks for your article. It's very difficult to find 'made in America' items these days.

At December 10, 2011 at 6:42 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

In 2010 Walmart gave $319,454,996 to charities (they don't HAVE to give anything). Will you still stay overnight for free in a Walmart parking lot? It's easy to complain about something that has no easy "fix".

At December 10, 2011 at 6:52 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I rember way back when I was in the Army, my first duty station was Germany. The call to the troops was "STOP THE GOLD FLOW, BUY MADE IN AMERICA.:Now that was back in 1963,since then it has b seen that a lot of the jobs here have gone to China, we here in the Great US of A are going bankrupt buying everything from China, Japam, and most of the good jobs have are gone too, and we wonder why. Chuck this is the best article I have seen that points it out so well. Keep up the good work and remind all of the Americas that this is what is the problem.

At December 10, 2011 at 6:58 AM , Blogger Staff Report said...

From editor Chuck Woodbury. Anonymous. It's great that Wal-Mart gives to charity, although probably half of it would not be necessary if the beneficiaries had jobs. But that has nothing to do with my essay, which is about what we choose to buy. Yes, sometimes we have no choice but to buy goods made in China. But sometimes we do have a choice. If Wal-Mart sells an American made product, then buy it there. It's nice that Wal-Mart allows RVers to stay overnight in its parking lots. But that has nothing to do with my essay. My purpose was to urge those who read it to spend more time seeking out American made products (or Canadian products if you live in Canada), and quit just routinely buying stuff made by workers far away who are robbing Americans of their jobs. I realize this is a complex issue, but it's not very complicated to simply buy something "American" if you have a choice.

At December 10, 2011 at 7:01 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree we should do everything possible to buy American, but it is not easy. Unions have made it tough for companies to continue, Government regulations have forced companies out of business. I bought a brand new motor home built in Indiana by Americans. Every trip I take, something breaks and I have to fork out a few hundred bucks to fix it. You would think that paying over 200k for a motor home would guarantee quality control, it does not. The attitude towards quality in the RV industry has certainly helped it's down fall. Don't get me wrong, I love RV travel but it's not for the faint of heart and comes at a pretty high price! At least I'M paying an American to fix it each time I use it.

At December 10, 2011 at 7:07 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Self fulfilling prophecy. Since everybody screams how union employees destroyed the country they bash them and tear then down. Now people who were making $50,000 in a union job do the same job for half that as no-union. Guess what? At half the pay they have to buy the cheap chinese junk. The corporate executives still make the massive salary weather the product was made in USA or China.

At December 10, 2011 at 7:16 AM , Blogger Staff Report said...

From editor Chuck: For all of you complaining about this or that, you might just want to react to the point of the article which is to buy an American made product when you have a choice. That's a start. Complain all your want, blame everybody else, but if you are not actively seeking out American made products and, instead, buying products without even examining where they made, then you are part of the problem. It's so easy to just toss the blame on somebody else -- it's the new "American way." If we all just changed our buying habits even a little bit, we would put some of our fellow citizens back to work and in doing so help improve our sick economy. Take responsibility!

At December 10, 2011 at 7:31 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

On a recent trip to the campground we have our TT at we needed to pick up a rake and shovel. We went to Walmart and to their credit they had one row of USA rakes and one row of Chinese rakes. The price was similar but the American rake was small and seemed to have thinner gauge steel than the Chinese one.
We bought the smaller USA rake anyway!

At December 10, 2011 at 7:32 AM , Blogger 2js-2ms said...

Very good article. As a Canadian I have a hard time finding things made on the North American continent. I do try to make things myself or buy from local artisans. Have a Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year.

At December 10, 2011 at 7:43 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looks like this was the right topic for the Editor's letter! Wish there was a simple answer. Wouldn't former Senator Joe McCarthy have a field day with this one. As an aside, I went to the AE shoe website. The first shoe I pulled up is made in the Domincan Republic! Go Figure.

At December 10, 2011 at 7:53 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Unfortunately so true! Another great American company is Henry Firearms ( Their motto is "Made In America Or Not At ALL". I wish that more companies felt like that and more people bought American. Funny that our politicians cans see that "more people working, more taxes are paid". Too simple a concept I guess.

At December 10, 2011 at 8:01 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

We visited 5 national parks last year, and went into each of the gift shops. The shops were loaded with foreign visitors seeking a memento of their visit. Everything we found was made in China, Pakistan, India, Mexico; nothing in the USA. We alerted our congressman; but we assume he will do nothing as usual.

At December 10, 2011 at 8:04 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

It can be hard to do, but if you look hard enough (even at Wal-Mart), you can find a lot of what you are looking for that was made in the U.S.A. One thing that I found that was still made in the U.S.A. was a Coleman liquid fuel stove. All the propane stoves, however, said made in China. Lodge cast iron is still made in this country. As Chuck said, we should make every attempt to buy, "Made in the U.S.A.". My buying preference is "Made in the U.S.A.", followed by Made in Canada, Mexico and Europe.


At December 10, 2011 at 8:12 AM , Anonymous Harold said...

Chuck, I agree completely. My wife and I have been Christmas shopping. We were determined to buy US made, Canadian made or British made. However, we have not bought much. For the grandchildren we have little choice. For adults we decided on gift cards for restaurants, car wash and detail, Starbucks etc.
We have to export more also to help our economy. Our Government does nothing is assist companies to export American made goods.
Another idea to cut foreing imports is to increase import duties.

At December 10, 2011 at 8:12 AM , Blogger Tom McGuire said...

The Chinese people are not a problem. Every Chinese person, including my wife who was born in China, wants what every human person wants: to live life with dignity. That requires material goods. Here is a principle that comes from my Catholic faith: "The principle of the universal destination of goods is an affirmation both of God's full and perennial lordship over every reality and of the requirement that the goods of creation remain ever destined to the development of the whole person and of all humanity."

Can we find a way to live with all people? Each person, each country has something to give and something to receive. Let us stop condemning and find ways to share all that God created with the whole human family.

At December 10, 2011 at 8:34 AM , Anonymous Pete S. said...

Hi Chuck, I agree with your basic philosophy of “Buy American”, but there are too many issues that go into solving the problem to go into here. My question to you is, “Why did you include Canada in the mix?” How does buying Canadian benefit the American worker any more than buying Chinese, or any other foreign country’s products? A good question for one of your surveys might be “Can you afford to buy American?” I would hope that in a future article you would encourage Wal-Mart and all the other big box stores to sell only American products. Lastly, politically incorrect, but I’m too old to care, Merry Christmas to you and yours. For everyone else Happy Holidays.

At December 10, 2011 at 8:47 AM , Blogger Staff Report said...

From editor Chuck: I included Canada because many of our readers are Canadian. I hope they consider buying "Canadian" or "American" before buying Chinese goods. I only have limited space in my essays -- can't cover a topic in depth. My issue with China is the pace at which it is growing and that the growth is coming in large part at our expense. I have no dislike of the Chinese people: they are entitled to all that life offers. But we here in America must take care of ourselves first. Right now we are just marching blindly down a one way street that I fear is leading us to a very bad place. A good way to begin turning things around is to support those American businesses who refuse to close their factories and lay off their employees in favor of cheap labor elsewhere. When you have a choice, buy from these businesses. That is something we can all do.

At December 10, 2011 at 8:48 AM , Blogger Steve said...

I agree completely except for one item. I don't feel we are being duped by the Chinese at all. We are being duped big business in this country and even more by our own government!

Let's face it, in too many respects our country is run on greed rather that patriotism.

At December 10, 2011 at 8:50 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

What is happening in America is as old as the industrial revolution. Manufacturers have always chased cheap labor to improve their bottom line and returns to investors. For years America has exported its inflation and debt to China in return for cheaper goods. This is a global economy and isolation attitudes will not fix the problem. Try innovation.

At December 10, 2011 at 8:51 AM , Blogger Trais said...

Chuck I agree with you 100%, I look for "made in USA" label whenever I shop any but it even if it more than the China version! But, this is America and most Americans don't give a crap where is from but what the cost is and buy the cheapest! This has lead us down this path of foreign debt, because manufactures are looking for the cheapest way to manufacture an item and sold out the American worker to make a few more percents on their bottom line and to hold prices cheaper as the American consumer will in 85% of the time buy the cheapest product! When I was brought up as a kid (I'm 55) I was taught Communism was big bad and evil, I still feel this way, and I don't buy Chinese unless I absolutely have too! If you buy Chinese produces goods you are supporting the Communist government, and spitting on the graves of brave veterans who gave their lives to fight Communism and keep freedom in the world! Shame on you cheapos!

At December 10, 2011 at 8:58 AM , Anonymous Pat said...

I absolutely agree with you! If we could only find essential products made in the USA!! I haven't found one pair of tennis shoes NOT made in China, in quite a few years. I try to buy US, but it's very difficult. I agree with another poster that we need to get rid of job killing regulations in this country and that won't happen if Obama gets another term!!!

At December 10, 2011 at 9:01 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pete S. said "Why include Canada?" well for one reason, Pete, if you want gas in your RV you already put 2 quarts of Canadian gas for every gallon you buy... Now as some propose you could put duty fees on that gas and raise the gallon to 7,00$ Because for the last 50 years the automobile industry has been integrated so that some models are made only in the U.S. and others only in Canada and you and I don't know wich one or from what side of the border the parts are from. Remember one thing, very simple, If Americans do not want to buy good from other countries, the other contries will not want to buy American... And also, very few bananas grow in the U.S.

At December 10, 2011 at 9:02 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Finding the proverial pot of gold at the end of the rainbow is easier than trying to find either American or Canadian made goods. I work for a big box company. Last year we sold Christmas lights made in China. Every one of the lights had to be returned. Either they didn't work or for safety (fire hazard) reasons. When will the govenments wake up to the damage being done to the economy and slap extreme tariffs on the imports and stop subsidizing off shore manufacturing! The US and Canada are truning into 3rd world countries!

At December 10, 2011 at 9:06 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Recently I went to Cabela's to purchase a good quality ice chest. The Coleman cooler was $129.95. Next to it was a "Cabelas" cooler. It sold for $89.95. It was obvious that Cabela's had taken a Coleman cooler to China and said "How much can you build these for?" They were identical units but for the name badge. Coleman made in usa $129.95, Cabelas made in China $89.95. Time to walk the walk, I shelled out the extra for the Coleman, hoping it would prolong their work force by a few extra hours.

At December 10, 2011 at 9:23 AM , Anonymous KerryK said...

Very good article, and very true. I try to buy American every chance I can,but as others have said its very hard, and sometimes I have to buy other than made in the USA,sad but true.Corporate America is I feel to blame because the BOTTOM LINE and Profit take precidence over every thing else,and lets not leave out the stock holders in these companies wanting there dividends.Let me ask this, every one who has posted here how many are collecting these dividends from companies that are not solely american, and would you be willing to give up your dividends? now you can see how difficult this subject is and I don't see any fast solution, also those of us who are retired from American companies and collecting pensions,do you think investments are only invested in american interests,I doubt it. Do I have the answer? No, but I'll by American when ever I can.And one last note all of us buy from Camping World and other supply houses, and after you get get that product home if its mail order have you checked where its made? Next time you go into a camping world store or any camping store take a look at where that item was manufactured.

At December 10, 2011 at 9:28 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I totally agree, Chuck, and commend you for speaking up. So, let's get practical. Who is willing to stop shopping at Walmart? Camping World?

If we're going to make a difference, we have to be willing to take action.


At December 10, 2011 at 9:32 AM , Anonymous Jeff Johnston said...

We buy very little or no junk made overseas during the Christmas season. We visit the Eugene Christmas farmers' market and buy local goods, such as roasted and seasoned filberts or walnuts, locally-caught and packed fresh albacore tuna or salmon (plain or smoked), fruit preserves, local wine or micro-brew beers and the like. These are things our friends love, especially those who live out of state, as it represents a bit of Oregon cuisine, and it keeps our money here.

Plus, you don't need to store (in an already too-cluttered house?), dust or move the gifts someday, they're the right style and colors, and they always fit.

Jeff Johnston
Host, Rollin' On TV

At December 10, 2011 at 9:53 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I loved your article. I have worked for a handfull of companies and 3 of the plants I worked for closed down and moved to Mexico. One job was making bomb casings for the US military.China is on most of the stuff bought in the US but look at the labels. Some of them I can't even pronounce.

At December 10, 2011 at 10:24 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've also been saying the same thing for years. Even the Chinese Ebay sellers are cloaking their product sources by using US addresses. And, if you're into technical stuff, when was the last time you called tech service and talked to a person who spoke understandable English? (Interestingly, you get English- literate people if you're a potential purchaser, but that's a different phone number!) We need to insist on American made products as much as possible... Much like the animals that have become extinct, we have lost primary American industries to overseas cheap labor.

At December 10, 2011 at 10:47 AM , Blogger Staff Report said...

Bob and Annie. Yup. I bought a Winnebago a few years ago with a foreign made engine. I am certainly guilty of not always buying American. But I do look more carefully at my purchases today.

At December 10, 2011 at 11:04 AM , Blogger BamaGurl said...

Please check out the Made In America store in New's website is saveourcountry Everything is American made including the wrapping paper. We must take time to do this or we're going to lose our country! Remember folks, whoever controls ur food, controls u! GOD BLESS AMERICA!

At December 10, 2011 at 11:21 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I do agree with the fact that being able to "buy american" is getting harder and harder. But we need to spread the blame around a little. These stores would not be able to be so profitable if we would not buy these items. They would have to stock American if the Chinese stuff gathered dust.

And to point blame in one or two directions is a mistake. Yes some regs are impeding business but they are also keeping our natural treasures safe, let alone keeping our air and water clean. China is getting badly polluted with making the stuff we buy. Go there and see, smog is an everyday thing!
I would also point out that execs have been making more profits by outsourcing, it is not just the unions causing the problem, greed is a factor. Remember when the man said greed is good.

We need facts, not retoric, we need solutions, and away the not destroy the environment.

At December 10, 2011 at 11:24 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

same old, same old, blame the other guy. look in the mirror for christ sake.the chinese can't sell if you don't buy.the mexicans can't sell their drugs if you don't use.greed is at the root. why are we paying some guy $200,000,000 to play a sport are we nuts.paying $300 to take a wife and 2 kids to a ball game. Grow up and put the blame where it belongs, in your own yard.

At December 10, 2011 at 11:37 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I recently had to buy an escape hatch lid and crank for my 2003 US made RV. The original manufacturer was bought by a large RV parts supplier who moved production to .......China.

The lid sizes aren't the same and the new crank is quite inferior compared to the old one. My Cost - about the same.

My point - the RV industry isn't anything special when it comes to keeping things American made. They're outsourcing just like everyone else. Don't blame consumers, blame the incentives like high labor costs, business taxes, and the mountains of regulations that make outsourcing a no-brainer for most manufacturers.

At December 10, 2011 at 11:38 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great article we need to take care of us first and when we are well then see about helping others. Like others have said the govt. kills busnesses with regulations I know I am a small business owner and the things I have to do to comply is rediculus. I say vote em all out and start all over

At December 10, 2011 at 11:49 AM , Anonymous Crappiebuster said...

I have been selling USA made products for 10 years at RV shows/rallys, fairs etc. some folks see the reasoning to buy US and some don't. If you want to buy USA products go to call or email.
You don't have to press any more buttons, we answer in English. We have the last of US made cell phone holsters (including iPhones and Droid) (Very tough), Rescue Tape, and Lake Fork Trophy Lures and Crappiebuster lures (handmade by me). If I get a little more business I can advertise in RV Travel Newsletter.

At December 10, 2011 at 11:51 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

We have a store in our area called MADE IN AMERICA. Their web site is

Only items made in America are sold in this store. They have a great selection and have been on some National morning TV programs.

At December 10, 2011 at 11:58 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Unfortunately you & your news letter are guilty of promoting Chinese made products. I ordered a "Strongback" chair, advertised in the weekly newsletter, only to find out when it arrived that it is made in China. I returned it the next day. One must practice what we preach!

At December 10, 2011 at 12:09 PM , Blogger Staff Report said...

From editor Chuck: I thought the Strongback chairs were made in the USA. It's a small American company and I guess I just assumed that they were made here. People have suggested to me that we not accept advertising from companies that make their products In China. That is not realistic. But we as consumers can choose whether we buy products from China or any other country, and that was the point of my essay. And that is what you did with your chair.

At December 10, 2011 at 12:28 PM , Anonymous TomO. said...

Good for you Chuck!!! I've been screaming for years seeing this all take place. We're Canadian and being duped also!! Buy "Made in Canada", "Made in USA" it'll be hard for awhile but lack of sales will equate into 'we cannot keep our shareholders happy this way' will be the outcome.

At December 10, 2011 at 12:46 PM , Blogger Alice said...

I managed to purchase all of my granddaughter's gifts from companies that make their toys in America. It was difficult to do, though.
I believe that I googled "toys made in America" to find companies that do sell made in America products. Some companies only make "some" of their toys in America and you have to contact the company to find out which ones are indeed "made in America."

At December 10, 2011 at 1:28 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Chuck: I agree with you 100% on buying American made products and keeping Chinese made junk out of our country. Lets face it,the Chinese in the past and probably still make our kids toys using poisonous lead based paint. Heck they don't care if they kill our children. I could go on and on with this subject. But I do have a bone to pick with you. You sell a book that leads people directly to the Wal-mart stores you would like to see people boycott thereby taking business away from U.S. RV parks. I firmly believe that is not right. Yes, I do agree some of our RV Parks are way over priced. I really wish you would drop that book and stop advertising anything to do with Wal-marts. Thank you

At December 10, 2011 at 2:09 PM , Anonymous KerryK said...

To everyone,
I was just reading all the posts and I realized one thing, we have no one else to blame but our selves.Let me explain, after WWI we helped rebuild Germany and other parts of Europe, after WWII we helped rebuild Germany,France Poland, and yes Russia and China,remember they were our allies in WWII.after Korea and Vietnam we also helped them and so on, and so on. My point is our Government would rather support foreign countries to BUY their friendship then help our people here in the us. How many people do we have homeless and starving here in the US. who was it that said charity begins at home? So I guess what I'm saying is the one that looks back at us in the morning is the one to blame.(at least partually.)and finally I would like to know which of these countries have paid us back for the BILLIONS of dollars that we lent them.This has really been a great discussion but I'm afraid we're beating a dead horse if you know what I mean.

At December 10, 2011 at 2:48 PM , Blogger Brenda said...

I am proud to be from Rochester, NY where Hickey Freeman Suits are still made. Top quality and reasonable prices. All made in Rochester which is in the good 'ol USA.

At December 10, 2011 at 3:19 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fellow travelers. Before we blame others for our unacceptable situation, we should look in the mirror. We as a people have let our government run wild for many decades. To many people have become reliant on the government to take care of them, and are willing to take the easy way out. The best way to turn around our country is to get involved in the political process and hold our elected officials acountable. In our representative republic, it is the citizens responsibility to determine the direction of our country. Even now in one of the worst economic time in our history, the USA continues to be the greatest country in history. America was founded by self reliant, innovative, hard working, chartiable people. We must get back to a smaller government directed by and for the citizenry. Get the government out of our way and the innovators and entrepreneurs will revitilize our greatness.
Gerald S

At December 10, 2011 at 3:40 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I live in Canada. I have found lables on items that Proudly say made in Canada and sourced down farther and found the only thing that was made in Canada was the label the product was made in China or some other place and the label attached. Very deceptive if you ask me.

At December 10, 2011 at 3:58 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Union greed has caused us to eliminate jobs and close down factories.

At December 10, 2011 at 4:17 PM , Blogger Lorane said...

Good article, Chuck. We read labels carefully and do our best to avoid the "made in China" and other non-US, non-Canadian items. This is very critical re. food. To avoid the Christmas gift issue, for other than kids, give a gift of time...or made in "Oregon" (insert your state) or other local gift items. Even many US brand cars contain parts manufactured off shore. We RVers make up a portion of the population and can use our influence and actions to promote made in America.

At December 10, 2011 at 4:41 PM , Blogger Mike n Teri said...

Good topic Chuck. I suppose I am out of step with some of the commentary, with my thoughts of buying with the union label. While there is guilt of dishonest union practice by some, the monopoly in the ratio of CEO pay, at 400 times the blue-collar worker, seems to be part of the problem too. Good article, and like most I try.

At December 10, 2011 at 4:46 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Buy American" is a great slogan, but high wages and low prices is an oxymoron - you can't have both. The slogan implies that we could enjoy utopia if we bring the manufacturing back home and create an environment of protectionism to keep out the foreign made goods. If you think prices are high now, think what they would be without offshore manufacturers. Putting America back to work is about being competitive in the world market - no country is an island.
The lifestyle we enjoy has been purchased with debt. China owns a lot of this debt - now that is something to be concerned about.

At December 10, 2011 at 7:02 PM , Blogger Les aventures d'Alain et Esther said...

"We Americans are not the only ones being duped by the Chinese!" ---- I don't think that the chinese are duping the americans or any other country; they are only manufacturing what we ask them to.

"The reason so much is made in China is our Govt has made it unprofitable to manufacture here in America by over regulating everything from toothpaste to jet planes. " ---- And what about american and canadian companies wanting to make more profit ? what about the regulations that ensure that your gas tank does not explode on the the slightest impact ? Or your food does not contain poisonus substances such as melamine ? Regulations are made to protect us.

"Its time to put and end to these imports that are having such a negative effect on America and its people." ---- The average north american salary is higher than the average chinese salary. Are you ready to pay 15-20% more for what you are buying ? Or if you are on a fixed income,are you ready to buy 15-20 less goods ?

Stop blaming our governements for all the chinese imports. Start blaming our way of living. We get rid of perfectly good equipments to purchase the latest and greatest. We buy larger houses to stock more stuff, we rent storage space when that's not enough. We can't seem to resist the massive marketing campaigns that convince that we need all these new "toys". Our spending ability seems to have no limits but our revenues have limts. So if the goods can be fabricated and sold at a lesser price, we can keep buying and buying and buying.

One thing we forgot: if the goods are manufactured abroad, the jobs of canadians and american workers are exported abroad. How can I keep buying when I loose my job ?


At December 10, 2011 at 7:15 PM , Blogger Les aventures d'Alain et Esther said...

Why did you include Canada in the mix?” How does buying Canadian benefit the American worker any more than buying Chinese, or any other foreign country’s products?

---- canadian and american economies are interrelated, interdependent. What affects one affects the other to a large degree. The cost of living is pretty much the same on each side of the border and we are affected the same way by the cheap imports: Yes cheaper products in the stores but also less salaries being paid here.

The chinese are not to blame, we are. We have the greatest power to change all this. As many have said: just stop buying the chinese imports and TELL IT it to the store manager.

Montreal, Canada

At December 10, 2011 at 7:27 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Our family was so excited earlier this week. We bought our mom a TV cabinet and it is made in the USA! Eagle Industries/Wolf Furniture from Pennsylvania. We know it was just one purchase, but, we will continue trying to purchase USA made items!

At December 11, 2011 at 4:36 AM , Blogger living.boondockingmexico said...

Actually, Mexico needs to be included as the three countries; Canada, Mexico and the U.S. make up the continent of North America as well as NAFTA.

What has happened to the U.S. is self-inflicted. Unions, government regulation, people wanting everything on the cheap.

So now the Chinese want a piece of the pie and we want to deny them of the universal right to thrive and prosper? Is it us against them?

Think about all this and then go ask your financial advisor or your bank where your money is invested. Who is fooling who?

I think it is all hot air. Put your money where your mouth is. Support all of the American continent. If we did, people wouldn't be climbing over walls to get in.

If we spent on Latin American goods what we spend in China the Americas would be a prospering continent, there would be no poor people.

You don't need to shop a continent away, invest your money in the Americas, it is our continent and needs to be supported. Sounds crazy and it will never happen but give it a thought.

chris bauer

At December 11, 2011 at 7:09 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Using your example, I for one, don't have hundreds of dollars for a pair of shoes or boots! That is why I usually can't buy American or Canadian, although I would love to. Politics and unions have made it so. Labour costs and ergo, cost of living is too high here to produce goods most of us can afford. I avoid food made in China for health and safety reasons. As for things I don't ingest, I only wish I could mostly afford North American.

At December 11, 2011 at 7:25 AM , Anonymous Ron Harden said...

Chuck...I simply say...AMEN!!!

At December 11, 2011 at 7:43 AM , Anonymous Billinmich said...

Good article,I too try to buy American,Canadian/sometimes Mexican.I look at the labels and buy first American then Canadian and so on .I will pick almost any country over China.A recent trip to MN.Duluth we went on a harbor tour and after tour tried to buy some souvenirs only to find mostly Mn stuff made in China.Had to laugh because a group of Chinese tourists were looking for souvenirs also and were laughing because they could only find a walking stick made in America.I hate spending my money on souvenirs not made in the City or State I'm visiting.

At December 11, 2011 at 8:19 AM , Anonymous injunear said...

We try to buy American products whenever possible. I looked at the AE Shoes mentioned in your artical. We cannot afford $200-$400 shoes. That is why most don't buy American.
What I do is buy quality shoes made in the USA at thrift stores and have them re-soled.
My wife bought a used American car then discovered it also was not made in the USA, but instead in Mexico.
Corprate American Doesn't care about job here,just the bottom line and high persent of return on investments.

At December 11, 2011 at 9:09 AM , Blogger Albert said...

I agree 110% and have been reading labels for a couple of years now, trying not to purchase anything not made in the good ole USA.

At December 11, 2011 at 9:19 AM , Anonymous drpoodle said...

New Balance shoes, "MADE IN AMERICA"
as advertised widely , even on the show HOW ITS MADE.
Check the label on the shoe tongue.. all but the most expensive shoes are made in China.

At December 11, 2011 at 10:21 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

you are looking at the symptoms, not the problem. when you have a gov't hostile to business, companies will move to more favorable conditions. Boeing tries to move a plant to a more favorable state and the gov't blocks it - come on! If you want to move jobs back to America, vote for an administration next year that will support business and try to fix the problems that have been driving business overseas for the last 20 years

At December 11, 2011 at 12:07 PM , Anonymous Mardi said...

I have been trying to buy U.S.A made products for awhile. Are you aware that Lincoln Logs, Band Aids & Hallmark Christmas cards are made in China? You have to read every label to make sure where products are manufactured.

At December 11, 2011 at 4:58 PM , Blogger Mark said...

Thanks, Chuck for bringing up my favourite gripe. I do not buy Chinese products if at all possible. I have been looking for new shoes for over 2 years and all I can find are Chinese junk which last a few months and fall apart. Try getting a Chinese woodworking tool (Router, Drill etc) repaired. Good luck. You can't find parts.This year I decided to make all my Christmas presents and so there are quite a few cheese boards, wooden and soapstone clocks, soapstone carvings and jewellery boxes being shipped to family across Canada. Now friends are asking me to make some for gifts. I found out last month that some plants are closing in China and returning to North America. Let's keep out flags flying over the manufacturing plants. Merry Christmas.

At December 12, 2011 at 9:06 AM , Blogger jackus62 said...

Same problems here in France but how many people agree to pay more for items made in France !!! Cost of labor is too high because too many taxes

At December 12, 2011 at 3:16 PM , Blogger Outdoor Activities said...

I agree with you. It is difficult to find anything made in U.S.A. China owns over a TRILLION dollars of our Treasury notes and gets upset if our economy goes down taking the interest on those T-bills. That's too bad. IF YOU WANT THINGS TO CHANGE- V O T E ! Or accept the status quo!

At December 12, 2011 at 5:37 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

Never thought I'd agree with Ross Perot, who warned in 1992 about a "giant sucking sound" of jobs going to Mexico as a result of NAFTA. Different country, same principle.
Give me a break about the government regulations. Learn about the horrible pollution and worker exploitation in China. Or the poisons they add to our food products to extend their products.

In the end, we need to "Just say No" to buying extra crap we don't need to satisfy cravings that stuff can't satisfy. Turn off the HD reality TV shows and live life. Like we try in our RVs.

At December 14, 2011 at 6:45 AM , Blogger craig said...

No arguement here, just discovered my favorite brand of athletic shoes are made in Viet Nam! Viet Nam ! The last time I was there, they were shooting at me ! Not interested in supporting their economy thank you.

At December 14, 2011 at 10:59 AM , Blogger Tom Boyte said...

The tires that came on our 2007 Keystone Everest 5th wheel were Mission Brand and made in China. They failed after 5000 miles and the company didn't want to pay us for having to replace them!!Maybe Keystone should read your article and quit buying tires from China.

At December 14, 2011 at 7:41 PM , Blogger gyoung said...

Chuck, you need to add a second and equally important thread. That is government over regulation strangles the American businessman. You do not have enough room for listing all the many ways our government makes it difficult to be successful. A main reason a factory relocates out of the country is to escape this excessive regulation.

At December 17, 2011 at 5:51 PM , Blogger Gene and Jean said...

People complain that government and its regulations are what is destroying American business. But those in Congress that crow most about cutting taxes to create jobs usually are talking about giving tax breaks and bailouts to the people who are sending the jobs overseas.

An economist (I don't remember which one) once said that there is nothing that someone can't make poorer and cheaper, and those that buy on price alone are this man's natural prey.

One more shoe comment. SAS shoes are made in San Antonio and cost about $150. They may not be the most fashionable but they are extremely comfortable and fit well.

Gene in Virginia


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