Saturday, October 22, 2011

Escape windows in RVs.

We received this letter from reader Chuck Cox about the use of escape windows in RVs. Do you have a comment? If so, please leave it.

"I have a question about the use of the escape windows in RVs. I have never seen any articles about their use. We have a Class C motorhome and the window is over the rear bed.

"After reading about so many RV fires, I decided to try to get out the window. I had a lot of difficulty and practically fell out. My wife is handicapped with post-polio and has poor muscle strength. There is no way she could get out by herself, and she would have a lot of difficulty even with me trying to help her.

"My questions are: How have other people gotten out? Is there a special way to do it without falling and breaking some bones? Has anyone else done a practice run to try it?"

Please leave a comment. . .

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Seasonal deer alert

From 2003 to 2007 2,499 people died from road accident collisions with wild animals. There is a 30% increase in accidents during the deer migration and mating season in October, November, and December.

State Farm Insurance estimated that 2.3 million deer/vehicle collisions occurred in the U. S. in the two year period from July 2, 2008 to June 30, 2010--a 21.1% increase over five years earlier.

This is the season to slow down on country roads, especially at dusk and after dark, and be extra alert for movements at the periphery of your headlights.